Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy Friday, Y'all!

like. for. realz.

I think she agrees:)

This weekend we plan to...
-Have breakfast at Northstar Cafe
(If you're in the Columbus area (like within 200 miles) you have got to go) 
-Go to Scott's
-Check out Joann's sale-Thanks Pam! 
-Make a few festive cocktails so I can forget this terrible weather


Do you have any fun weekend plans?


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

SO What!

This week I'm saying SO WHAT to...

  • the cold weather. It's the first day of SPRING and it's freezing out
  • I'm ready for open toed shoe weather
  • I've been a terrible blogger lately- I know
  • This will be our first holiday away. We're hosting Easter lunch for some of our friends instead.
  • And I'm mimicking my family's Easter menu
  • We're bringing the boat up in a few weeks. People tell us we can take it to the beach. Excuse me but WHAT BEACH??
  • I'm going to try and meal plan. We spend WAY too much on food alcohol 
  • I'm so ready for the weekend, you. don't. even. know.

What are you saying SO WHAT to today?

Come link up with us!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Entry Porch Update

Hello strangers! I've missed you.
I hope the feeling is mutual:)

The weather has be ah-may-zing the past few days. 
Even though it rained, it felt great out.

I am SO ready for warm weather all the time.

With spring weather comes many house projects.

Lets start with our porch.

Right now, our house is blah. I want to make our house ahh!

I can't wait to get started on this project! 
I think it will make our house pop, too!

Come link up with us!

What outdoor projects are you planning for spring?

Speaking of projects, look at Danika's project! 
I am totally doing this with boxwoods asap!