Monday, March 11, 2013

Entry Porch Update

Hello strangers! I've missed you.
I hope the feeling is mutual:)

The weather has be ah-may-zing the past few days. 
Even though it rained, it felt great out.

I am SO ready for warm weather all the time.

With spring weather comes many house projects.

Lets start with our porch.

Right now, our house is blah. I want to make our house ahh!

I can't wait to get started on this project! 
I think it will make our house pop, too!

Come link up with us!

What outdoor projects are you planning for spring?

Speaking of projects, look at Danika's project! 
I am totally doing this with boxwoods asap!


  1. This is a perfect porch mood board. I saw Danika's propagation. Great idea.

  2. The blue slate and the black will look amazing! So rich looking! And I want those boxwoods in my yard!

  3. Those porch railings are awesome!

  4. Thanks so much for the mention! I have been watering/checking them, fingers crossed that it works.
    I love the railing and the bluestone! I have been wanting to put bluestone out on my soon to be screened in porch and have had the hardest time finding it reasonably $$ up here. I am ready to give in to some basic 12x24 grey concrete looking floor tiles :( womp womp

  5. I am so longing for Spring too;). We had a warm weekend a few weeks back but... snow today, uhh. I hear you about the outdoor projects, looks like you have a good plan in place, it is geoing to look awesome. Can't wait to see:)! Have a great week, Jen
