Monday, June 17, 2013

MIA: What I've Been Up To

It's been a long week.
Or should I say loooooooooooooong.

What have I been doing?

You may know if you've been following along on instagram (sorry for the repeats if you are)

 Watching Eric work...

 While I drink wine:)

Just kidding. I've been working too!

It's not complete, but I couldn't wait to put up the lights!

 Here, you can see the southern cross pattern. 
The openings will have vertical 2x2's. The area to the right will be a wall with a built in bench and planter boxes. When it's complete and painted and stained, I'll share the details and dimensions. I can't wait to finish it...and then use it for 2 months out of the year. Here is my shopping list!

After working for days, I think Eric and Riggs had had enough:)

Tonight we're off to Lowe's to pick up a few more things (and take back some stuff we didn't use)

I'm thinking about picking up some herbs and small terracotta pots to age.
Have you tried this?


  1. Love it & can't wait to see it! I'm glad you're quickly learning about Ohio weather too haha!

  2. the space looks amazing outside so far! can't wait to see the final reveal!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  3. It looks amazing Fletcher. Your hubs and Riggs are so cute! I love the railing detail! I have just bought some succulents like that, and pray they survive.
    xo Nancy

  4. i totally want some succulents! I haven't heard back from you regarding our facebook group for the design collaboration, so unless you let me know differently, I'll assume you aren't going to participate. Thanks!!
